I really appreciate your information and pictures. That's my home up there, Sunrise Sunset, B4. We were so close to being safe and sound with a new beach. But thanks to delayed permits, equipment failures, Hannah, Gustav & Ike, now our building might not make it. It is so difficult to comprehend. I know we were taking a chance on beachfront property; we've been very lucky to enjoy it for 7 years without major damage. So now in about 2 months, give or take a month or two, there will be a renourished beach out there but who knows if the B complex will still be standing. We have to wait for insurance adjustors to make decisions and then go from there. It is just so difficult when anyone, single person or committee, takes on a renovation or whatever project, and everything takes so long. Permits from county, state, city, DEP and then permits expire and start all over again. The hold-out homeowner who held up the original permit to get the beach renourishment started is one of the worst. Permits, weather, government agencies rules, unreliable construction workers (I'm thinking of the A complex 2004 renovation in regards to the workers), all these factors cause a project that would take 2-4 months at least 6 months in Gulf County. If only the DEP had allowed the project to start from south to north, where the area was critical, that would have made a huge difference also. But the people making that decision don't live in Gulf County, or work there or own property there. It's a shame. Cape San Blas is such a beautiful place to live and visit; we have enjoyed it so much, but the trials and tribulations are beginning to outweigh the benefits now. If the above B complex doesn't fall and we all decide to repair, that will take at least 12 months, more likely 18 months.
At least Cape San Blas Rd is open again and the weather is gorgeous and visitors can return to the beach, at the northern end, since there's no beach in the south! Thanks for your website & pictures.