August 22, 2010
Cape San Blas Real Estate Week in Review – August 14-20, 2010
Had a really full day yesterday showing property to several parties all day long and into the evening hours but it ended with writing an offer and getting verbal acceptance so that always makes the day feel worthwhile. Unfortunately, overnight, my buyers suffered an early onset of buyers remorse and ...
August 21, 2010
Busy Is Good- Another Sunday Update
I hate to miss my Saturday deadline but business is good and there are only so many hours in a day. I had back-to-back-to-back showing appointments on Saturday, and wrote one new contract, so it looks like I’ll be doing the update on Sunday this week. Lots to share with ...
August 14, 2010
Cape San Blas Real Estate Week in Review – Aug. 7-13, 2010
Our summer season slows down as the kids here and in Georgia head back to school, so it was a fairly quiet week with just two sales and one new contract, five new listings and eight price changes. Now onto our two sales, both of which are on the Cape, ...
August 7, 2010
Cape San Blas Real Estate Week in Review – Jul 31 – Aug 6, 2010
I have great motivation to focus and get my work done quickly this morning as the sooner I finish here the sooner I can get on over to the Florida Scallop and Music Festival happening all this weeekend on the waterfront in Port St. Joe. Always a good time. It ...
July 31, 2010
Cape San Blas Real Estate Week in Review – July 24-30, 2010
The big news this week is that we’re all feeling as if we may actually be out of the woods as far as the threat from the oil spill is concerned. The armies of BP clean up crews have disappeared and things are returning to normal. Shoppers looking for great ...
July 24, 2010
Cape San Blas Real Estate Week in Review – July 17-23, 2010
If no news is good news, then we’ve had a very good week as there is still no oil and now no Bonnie. We’ve also had another good week in real estate, with two sales, four new contracts, five new listings, and eight price changes. No change in our inventory, ...
July 18, 2010
Cape San Blas Real Estate Week in Review – July 10-16, 2010
It is good to see so many visitors enjoying their summer vacations here at the beach as we’ve been worried that people would stay away because of all the fear mongering from the media. Thankfully, for now at least, our coast remains clear. Folks weren’t all just soaking up rays, ...
July 17, 2010
Buyers Are Busy!
Wonderfully busy weekend – showing LOTS of property today and Sunday morning, so I’ll be posting my weekend update Sunday afternoon. We had a slew of sales this week so be sure to check back. Hope you’re having a great weekend, too!
July 10, 2010
Cape San Blas Real Estate Week in Review – July 3-9, 2010
Another great week here on the Cape with clear skies, clean beaches, happy vacationers and folks shopping for real estate. We had one person go to closing, two new contracts, thirteen new listings, and seven price changes. Our inventory shot up over three per cent, unfortunately, gaining 13 over last ...
July 9, 2010
Cape San Blas Turtle Eggs Relocated to Avoid Oil Spill Impact
Our beaches were busy this morning with crews of turtle patrol volunteers, representatives from NOAA, The Interior Department, National Fish and Wildlife, Florida Fish and Wildlife, news crews from CNN and the AP, FED EX PR guys and curious onlookers. The assembled were all there to either participate in or ...
July 3, 2010
Cape San Blas Real Estate Week in Review – June 26 – July 2, 2010
The watching and waiting continue as we still remain mercifully untouched by the oil. There are small armies of BP contractors patroling the beaches daily even though the nearest oil reported is all the way over on the western edge of Panama City Beach. So our beaches are still beautiful ...
June 26, 2010
Cape San Blas Real Estate Week in Review – June 19-25, 2010
.What a difference a week makes – much quieter this week, with somewhat slower sales activity compared with what we’ve been seeing recently, with only one sale and one new contract, and just four new listings and three price changes. As a result, our inventory is virtually unchanged, up just ...