March 3, 2009
Indian Pass Gulf Front Lot Still $199,000
I just spoke with the listing agent regarding the price change I had written about in this space earlier this morning which sparked a good deal of interest, and in the course of our conversation she realized her assistant had mistakenly entered the change on the wrong lot; it was ...
February 28, 2009
Cape San Blas Real Estate Market Week in Review – Feb. 21-27, 2009
Definite uptick in activity this week and this turned out to be the busiest week yet in the 18 months I’ve been writing this blog. We had two sales, five new contracts, twelve new listings, and nineteen price changes. That’s a lot to cover so let’s get started. Even with ...
February 21, 2009
Cape San Blas Real Estate Market Week in Review – Feb. 14-20, 2009
The stock market may have been in a turmoil but local real estate had a bullish week, with not just one but two closings, one new contract, four new listings and ten new price tags. Our inventory unfortunately continues to creep back upward, ending the week up two from last ...
February 14, 2009
Cape San Blas Real Estate Market Week in Review – Feb. 7 – 13, 2009
It will be interesting to see the impact on real estate as we transition from a capitalist economy to an economy of central planning controlled entirely by Washington. Let’s see how we did in our final week of operating in a free market. Our inventory continues its slow climb back ...
February 8, 2009
Cape San Blas Real Estate Market Week in Review – Jan. 31 – Feb. 6, 2009
Sorry for the late entry – I usually like to have my weekly wrap posted no later than noon Saturday, but I was showing property yesterday, which is always a good thing. Starting to see a marked increase in bargain hunters looking for, as one caller put it, “screamin’ deals” ...
January 31, 2009
Cape San Blas Real Estate Market Week in Review – Jan. 24-30, 2009
While the rest of the country shivered in snow and sub-freezing temps we had a warm and balmy week here along the coast with a “cold snap” that took us all the way down to 47 last night here on the Cape, but by 9:30 we were back up to ...
January 24, 2009
Cape San Blas Real Estate Market Week in Review – Jan. 17-23, 2009
It may have been an historic week for news, but local real estate certainly didn’t warrant any headlines with very little activity. Our MLS inventory of active listings in the Cape San Blas, Indian Pass and C-30 Corridor market remains steady at 365, down only one from last week, with ...
January 17, 2009
Cape San Blas Real Estate Market Week in Review – Jan. 10-16, 2009
Another chilly morning here on the Cape, about the same as yesterday, with 37 on the thermometer when I woke up. The weather may be cold, but real estate was pretty hot this week with four closings. Our inventory remains steady with a total of 366 active MLS listings in ...
January 16, 2009
An Icy Morrning on the Cape
Like most of the rest of the country, we woke up to frigid temps here on the Cape this morning. It was 35 and windy when I woke up. The sprinklers were on at Ovation creating a lovely ice display, something we rarely get to see around here. It’s supposed ...
January 10, 2009
Cape San Blas Real Estate Market Week in Review – Jan. 3-9, 2009
Wasn’t it good to get back to the normal routine this week and finally have the holidays over and done with? I’m glad to return to focusing my full attention on my real estate business with renewed vigor. The first week of this new year brought us eight new listings ...
January 3, 2009
Cape San Blas Real Estate Market Week in Review – Dec. 27 – Jan. 2, 2009
I said yesterday in my year end review that I believe 2009 is going to be a better year than ’08, and if the first week is any indication we’re in for a great year. We definitely started off with fireworks, with four sales, one new contract, five new listings ...
January 2, 2009
2008 Year In Review
Happy New Year! Hope you had a joyful celebration with family and friends. It was COLD and windy here, so those bonfires on the beach New Year’s Eve brought very welcome warmth. Time now to take a look back at 2008 and see if there was any renewed fire in ...