February 2, 2008
Week In Review – January 26 – February 1, 2008
What a difference a week makes! Lots of good news to report as this week was as bristling with real estate activity around the Cape San Blas market as last week was quiet, so let’s get right to it and see what all’s been going on. First good news: we ...
January 26, 2008
Week In Review – January 19 – 25, 2008
Another quiet week for the Cape San Blas area real estate market, with virtually no change from last Saturday: our inventory is up by two, to 502 this week vs. 500 last week, with 178 homes and 324 lots. Maybe it had something to do with all the news this ...
January 21, 2008
Winter Comes to the Coast . . . But Only For a Day or Two
We rarely experience here on the Cape what the rest of the country might call winter, but last night we went down into the mid-30’s, frigid regions we only reach every couple of years. With the cold snap came gale-force winds out of the north, producing super-low tides; this morning ...
January 19, 2008
Week In Review – January 12 – 18, 2008
I apologize for the site being down for the past several days but sometimes I wander down cyber alleyways I have no business exploring and bad things happen. Thanks to the techies at GoDaddy for getting us back up and running again. They said they would put a child-proof block ...
January 12, 2008
Week In Review – January 5 -11, 2008
There’s been a fair amount of activity compared to the past several weeks surrounding the holidays, so let’s take a look at what’s been going on in real estate the past week in the Cape San Blas market. For the first time since we started tracking activity back in early ...
January 7, 2008
2007 vs. 2006
I took a look at 2006 sales to see how they stacked up against ’07 and was surprised to see virtually identical results: TOTAL SALES:Â Â Â Â 2006 – 54 Â Â Â Residential – 36 Â Â Â Lots – 18 TOTAL SALES:Â Â Â Â 2007 – ...
January 6, 2008
So What Actually Sold Around Here in 2007?
Now that 2007 is officially in the bag we can take a look at what actually sold during the year and see if the data can serve as meaningful guideposts for better results in 2008. There was a total of 55 sales in the Cape San Blas, Indian Pass and ...
January 5, 2008
Week In Review – December 29 – January 4
Happy New Year! Hope you enjoyed the holidays – I did but I’m glad they’re over and we can finally get back into a normal routine. Let’s jump right in. Looks as if a number of sellers decided to start the new year by not renewing their listings as our ...
December 30, 2007
39 Cents on the Dollar in Mexico Beach
I know we typically only focus on the Cape San Blas area real estate market but this sale on an interior lot in Mexico Beach in this morning’s MLS hot sheet made me choke on my coffee. The property is located in one of the many new subdivisions that mushroomed ...
December 29, 2007
Week in Review – December 22 – 28
Another slow holiday week for real estate around Cape San Blas, with no new contracts or closed sales, but a couple of very attractive price changes. The inventory sits at 507, down only 3 from last week, with 178 homes and 329 lots listed for sale in the MLS. There ...
December 28, 2007
Lis Pendens Filings More Than Double
To see if all the whispers I’m hearing of people unable to keep up with their mortgages is as bad as it sounds, I decided to check the court records to see if there are any signs of trouble. There are. I checked the number of Lis Pendens filed in ...
December 27, 2007
How Did 2007 Compare With Other Years?
With only 1 1/2 business days left in the year, I think we’re close enough to start taking a look at how 2007 stacked up against previous years. I went back through 2003 and built a spreadsheet showing year by year comparisons of residential sales (lot and land sales will ...